Staff working with their own children
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines and procedures regarding staff members not working directly with their own children in an early years setting. This policy aims to maintain a professional environment, ensure fair treatment of all children, avoid conflict of interest, and promote effective children practises.
At Truly Scrumptious Nurseries, we are committed to a supportive work environment for all staff members, including those that are parents. In light of this, we offer staff the opportunity to enrol their child(ren) to the nursery.
Guidelines and procedures
Staff are expected to maintain a high level of professionalism at all times. Staff will not be permitted to work directly with their own child. This policy ensures equal treatment, avoids favouritism, and supports the high- quality care and education to all children.
Staff must agree to be flexible with regard to their designated room, if their child becomes an age where they would be in the same room, the staff member will have to make adjustments and work in another room/ age group. Staff must fufil the needs of their key children group and adhere to their job description at all times and should have minimal contact with their child during the working day.
Although we do not want to restrict a parent seeing their child, we must consider the room routine and the upset a visit may cause the child when their parent leaves the room again.
All staff caring for another staff member’s child will treat them as they would any other parent/child. No special treatment will be offered to any child or parent who has connections with the nursery.
Employees children should receive the same nursery experience as any other of the children attending the setting. Key people will communicate with the child’s parent in the same manner they would with any other parent and offer a full hand over to the parent/ employee at the end of the childs session. No special treatment will be offered to any child or parent who has connections to the nursery.
If a staff member’s child becomes unwell at nursery, the staff member must be conscious of the staffing ratios and seek permission to leave. They will possibly need to wait until appropriate cover can be found alternatively the second emergency contact should be contacted to help. Staff are able to administer medication to their own children whilst on shift, e.g. Calpol.
Where a staff member’s baby requires breastfeeding, this will be accommodated to suit both the baby’s and mother’s needs. Cover will be provided during this time.
Terms and conditions
Staff who enrol their children into the nursery, will recieve a 50% staff discount. This is a taxable benefit.
Where employees children are at the age wearing nappies, we require staff to provide these for their children.
Holiday/Sick leave
Staff members who call in sick or have annual leave booked are not permitted to bring their child in the setting on those occasions as this affects staff ratio and add extra pressure to remaining employees. It will be at the managers discretion whether they will permit staff children to attend in their parents’ absence in exceptional circumstances.
Where a staff member has a safeguarding concern about the staff member’s child, the usual safeguarding process should be followed. The only exception being where the child’s parent is Safeguarding Lead, as the staff member should then seek advice from the Deputy Safeguarding Lead or Manager.
This policy shall be reviewed annually, or as deemed necessary by the management team, to ensure its continued relevance, effectiveness, and compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Policy written: Hayley Binion
August 2024
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