About Us
Mission statement
We believe that a homely atmosphere is paramount and we aim to provide a safe and caring environment where all children can feel happy and relaxed and develop to their full potential.
The first five years of a child’s life are important informative years and at Truly Scrumptious we focus on the needs of the whole child.
Truly Scrumptious Early Years Nursery is committed to providing equal opportunities for all children and families. The diversity of all individuals and communities is respected and all families are welcomed and valued. No child or family is discriminated against.
Our aim
At Truly Scrumptious our aim is to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment for the children to learn and develop to their full potential and at their own pace. We aim to provide a home from home experience for children where we build positive relationships with all children and parents.
We will meet the needs of babies and children by ensuring parents’ wishes are followed, the Key person will liaise with parents and develop individual care and development routines taking into account home care. All children will be encouraged to learn through play and explore through a wide range of sensory experiences.
We work within the Statutory Framework and Practice Guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage which aims to help children achieve the Every Child Matters outcomes to: ‘Be Healthy, Stay Safe, Enjoy and Achieve, Make a Positive Contribution and Achieve Economic Well-being.
We provide an environment that supports and extends all children’s learning and development, including children with English as Additional Language and Special Educational Needs.
We implement the Early Years Foundation Stage and planning a learning journey which is responsive to individual children’s needs, interests and experience.
At Truly Scrumptious Early Years Nursery we support all babies and children to be keen happy and confident learners by providing a wide and varied range of play experiences. Key persons will support children and be “tuned into” their needs and interests to make sure these are appropriately met.
The children will be supported to become active, inquisitive and independent learners by providing an educational plan based on individual needs and interests and providing a structured approach to play. Key persons will continue to support the children and monitor their individual needs and interests.
We keep children safe by providing an environment where all children’s safety is paramount. We do this by maintaining staff to children ratios, carrying out regular risk assessments and ensuring staff are trained to meet the health and safety of all children including safeguarding.
We aim to work in partnership with parents by listening and responding to their views and concerns and respecting them as their child’s first educators;
- By sharing and discussing their child’s development, achievements and progress. We achieve this through daily feedback, sharing learning journeys, parent’s evenings, and inviting parents as ‘helpers’ or sharing skills or occupations.
- By offering support and advice to families and signposting them to other professionals or services that may be able to offer them support.
Our staff will ensure to;
- Meet all the requirements set out in the Early Years Foundation Stage.
- Ensure best practice quality of care by continuously evaluating our practice through the Ofsted self-evaluation.
- Hold regular team meetings and training and development sessions.
- Develop individual training plans for staff which support qualification and continuous professional development.
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