Use of Mobile Phones and Camera’s Policy
The welfare, protection, and safety of every child in our care is of paramount importance, we take our responsibility to safeguard children seriously. We have procedures in place which we as everyone to respect and to help promote the safety of the children in our care.
Truly Scrumptious E Y Nursery has a no use of mobile phones policy whilst caring for children. It is our intention to provide an environment in which children, parents and staff are safe from images being recorded and inappropriately used in turn eliminating the concern of staff being distracted from their work with children and the inappropriate use of mobile phone cameras around children.
We believe our staff should be completely attentive during their working hours to ensure all children in the nursery receive good quality care and education. Mobile phones must not be used during working hours. Staff are permitted to keep their phones switched on in case of urgent calls, but they will be kept in the office, away from children and must be on silent.
Under no circumstances does the nursery allow a member of staff to contact a parent/carer using their personal device. Users bringing personal devices into nursery must ensure there is no inappropriate or illegal content on the device. All staff must ensure their mobile phones are inside the phone boxes located in the office throughout contact time with children. Staff are permitted to use their mobile phones during their lunch breaks away from the children.
The use of apple watches/smart watches etc, are also not permitted. Staff wearing smart watches will be asked to remove them and leave them locked away along with their personal mobile phones in the office.
The use of mobile phones/smart watches are in staff breaks or in staff member’s own time in the designated (child free) staff area.
It is the responsibility of all members of staff to be vigilant and to report any concerns to the nursery manager. (See whistleblowing policy)
All urgent calls are to be taken from the main line, however if any staff member has a family emergency or similar, their mobile will be kept in the office and they will be called to take a call. Prior permission must be sought from the manager or deputy.
During group outings a nominated staff member will take the allocated nursery mobile phone out with them in case of emergency. This should only be used for emergency calls and incoming calls from the nursery, under no circumstances must a member of staff take a personal call whilst caring for children. It is the responsibility of all staff members to be vigilant and report any concerns to the Nursery Manager or Deputy Manager.
The manager or deputy manager reserves the right to check the image contents of a member of staff’s mobile phone should there be any cause for concern over inappropriate use of it. Should inappropriate material be found then our Local Authority Designated Office (LADO) will be contacted immediately, as well as the police. Guidance will be followed with regards to the dismissal of the staff member.
Parents & Visitors
Parents or visitors who either arrive using a mobile phone or take a call on a mobile should be immediately told to end their phone call or leave the premises. Visitors are signed into the nursery and asked to leave their personal belongings and mobile phones in the office area.
Photographs taken for the purpose of recording a child or group of children participating in activities or celebrating their achievements is an effective form or recording their progression in the Early Years Foundation Stage. However, it is essential that photographs are taken and stored appropriately to safeguard the children in our care.
- Only the designated nursery camera/nursery tablets are to be used to take any photo within the setting or on outings.
- Images taken on this camera must be deemed suitable without putting the child/children in any compromising positions that could cause embarrassment or distress.
- All staff are responsible for the location of the camera; this should be placed within the lockable office when not in use.
- The camera must be locked away at the end of every session.
- Images taken and stored on the camera must be downloaded as soon as possible, ideally once a week.
- Parental permission is obtained from the parent/carer on joining the setting to the use of photographs in the setting.
- Photos taken on nursery cameras/tablets can be uploaded to our closed FAMLY app that only approved relatives of that child have access to the individual child profiles. This will only occur when we have obtained all the parents’ permission. Any child whose parent has not signed the permission form for photos on social media will not have their photo uploaded.
This policy is in place to protect and safeguard both children and staff.
Policy Reviewed- August 2024
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