Truly Scrumptious Early Years Nursery
Safe sleep/ Rest Policy
At Truly Scrumptious, we recognise that it is imperative that children get the sleep they need to function to grow their cognitive, physical, and emotional development. It is essential for your childs health and well-being that they have enough quality sleep/ rest time. We have adopted a policy of practice recommended by The Lullaby Trust to minimise the risk of ‘Sudden Infant Death Syndrome’ (SIDs). All babies and children’s safety are paramount, and we work in partnership with parents to ensure this.
Sleep restrictions
Some parents may not want their child(ren) to sleep while they are at nursery and this will be discussed during settling in sessions, between the parents and the childs key person.
We will distract and discourage children not to sleep if the parent has specifically requested that, however we will never physically keep your child from falling asleep. We will allow the children a minimum of 45 minutes sleep. Similarly, if the child does not want to sleep, we will not force them and they will be provided with appropriate activities during the quiet, rest times.
When waking children after their sleep limit (if parents have requested to set one) we shall do so calmly and slowly as to not shock the child. Blankets may removed and lights may be slightly brightened but children will not be physically woken up by staff (lifting child up etc) Children should be allowed to wake up naturally and in their own time.
Prior to sleep/rest time, staff will ensure the following;
- The baby/child has had a nappy change with a fresh, clean nappy
- Outer clothing is removed (thick cardigans with zips/buttons)
- The baby/child has been fed and had a drink
- Bibs are removed
- The room is the right temperature (not too hot/cold)
- White noise or soft lullaby music is playing, and lights are dimmed where possible
During sleep time, children are;
- Provided with their own, individual clean bedding
- Placed on their back on a sleep mat or cot (no babies are to be left to sleep in bouncy chairs or car seats at any time)
- Given a comforter if applicable
- Not left to cry
- Supported by their key person/ adult to sleep (cuddled, rocked, patted)
- Checked continuously that no muslins/blankets are covering the childs face
Policy written
Hayley Binion – January 2024
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