Procedure in the event of Terrorist Attack or National Emergency
Reflecting on previous terrorist attacks, we now feel it is necessary to have a procedure in place on what to do in the event of a terrorist attack or a national disaster.
The care and security we provide for your child is paramount. As an Ofsted Registered Nursery, we will do everything within our power to protect, comfort and support your child in the event of a major incident, National Emergency or Terrorist Attack.
Most procedures for handling an emergency are focussed on an event happening in the building. However in some situations you will be advised to stay put “lockdown” rather than evacuate. “Lockdown” of a building/groups of buildings is intended to secure and protect occupants in the proximity of an immediate threat. By controlling movement in an area, emergency services can contain and handle the situation more effectively.
The setting manager will assess the likelihood of an incident happening based on their location and will be aware of the current terrorist level, as available at
We will follow any additional advice and guidance issued by the local authority. Staff reherse simple “age appropriate” actions with the children such as staying low to the floor, keeping quiet and listening to instructions in the same way that fire procedures are practised. Lock downs should be rehersed and recorded regularly.
During “lockdown”
Staff and children will stay in their designated areas
Doors and windows will be secured
Curtains and blinds will be closed
Staff and children will stay away from windows and doors
Staff will tune into a local TV or radio for more information
Children will be constantly reassured and kept distracted and occupied
If parents/carers are caught up in an incident, we will continue to look after their child(ren) until they are able to return, or a person nominated is able to collect them.
We will try our best to keep in contact by landline, mobile or email. In extreme circumstances this may include overnight care, but this will be discussed with you and Social Services will also be kept informed. Rest assured; your child will not be put at risk in any way.
We understand that during major incidents the mobile phone networks are often not available and even landlines can be cancelled to free up communication systems for the emergency services. We will however attempt to contact you on a regular basis and ask that you try to do the same. We will keep up to date on the situation using any media source available to us, family app, radio, television, internet etc.
We will endeavor to protect your child from information or images that may alarm or distress them.
We hope that this procedure never needs to be put into practice and are happy to discuss any issues you have.
Policy reviewed
Hayley Binion- Manager
August 2024
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