Parent Conflict Resolution Policy

We believe a strong partnership with parents and carers, with an open-door policy to discuss all matters are paramount to effective communication. 

We have a zero tolerance on abusive calls, emails, social media contact and face to face confrontation. 

If, as a parent, you have any concerns or issues you wish to raise with the nursery then please follow the complaints procedure. 

In the unlikely event that a parent begins to act in an unwelcome or abusive manner, it is our policy to; 

  • Direct the parent away from children into a private area (where possible) 
  • Always ensure another member of staff is in attendance to act as a witness, ensuring the safe supervision of the children 
  • Act in a calm and professional way, ask the parent to calm down and make it clear we do not tolerate aggressive or abusive language or behaviour 
  • Once parent/carers have calmed down, we will listen to their concerns and respond appropriately 
  • An incident form will be completed detailing the time, cause and action taken, with any resolution/ agreement recorded 
  • If necessary, parents/carers who display this kind of aggressive/abusive behaviour who will not calm down will be asked to leave the premises asap 
  • If a parent continues to behave in an appropriate/aggressive/ intimidating manner despite regular support and warnings, in extreme cases, they may be banned from the premises for an agreed period of time  

Continued Intimidating/abusive or aggressive behaviour could result in with withdrawal of the place for the child/ren. In this case, parent/carers will be informed by the director/management team in writing within 3 days of the incident. 

Social media/abusive emails/calls 

If slanderous or abuse messages appear on any social media sites we will address these immediately with a request to follow our complaints procedure. If slanderous/abusive messages continue we reserve the right to seek legal action against the complainant. Any abusive calls will be logged with an outline of the conversation  

Policy written February 2024