Emergencies Policy
“Providers must take reasonable steps to ensure the safety of children, staff and others on the premises in the case of fire or any other emergency, and must have an emergency evacuation procedure”
The Nursery will ensure to always have access to a landline telephone or a mobile phone which is always fully charged.
Up to date lists of the following telephone numbers are always readily to hand Parents of the children and emergency contact numbers, the children’s doctor’s surgery and nearest hospital with accident and emergency department.
In the event of an emergency all appropriate staff have received the required 12 hours paediatric first aid training.
A full updated First Aid Kit is available and when needed a travel first aid kit.
- Contain the emergency without harm to child or staff (e.g. in case of fire- use a fire blanket or the extinguishers located around the nursery)
- Check the safety of all the children and remove them from the immediate area- never leave them unattended.
- If necessary, dial 999 for emergency services or doctor/111 for NHS
- If necessary, administer emergency first aid
- Contact the children’s parents or emergency contact.
Policy reviewed Brittany – Manager – 06/04/2023
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